Street value of percocet 5 milligram tablets

Street value of percocet 5 milligram tablets
Street value of percocet 5 milligram tablets
What is the street value for percocet.
07.10.2008 · Best Answer: In my area, they are getting anywhere from $1 to $5 per milligram, so it would be about $5 - $25. Last year in my jurisdiction, large mid
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What is the street value of a pill with. the street value is usually about one dollar a milliagram, bit if you but a bunch, like more than 20 a 5 milligram percocet is usually about 3 bucks. This site hasOxycodone 325 5 STREET VALUE Bean answered him calmly. 3/16/2008 · Best Answer: 1-5 years depending upon how many you had on you when they catch you selling
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